Heading 2 (not used)
Heading 1
Heading 3 (Not used)
Heading 4
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Stock images no royalties
Use pexel.com
If you are writing a new page:
Recommended settings would be
Copy and paste the image at the top and use the 'change image' option when it's selected.
If it is as high as it can go and centred then it should be in the same place as the other headers on other pages for consistency.
Then add the title and use the Theme 'Heading 1' If you want it in the same place as the other pages, copy and paste the title from there and it will paste in the correct place. Then just change the text.
Use Heading 4 for page titles
Use Paragraph 1 for body text
Use Paragraph 2 for captions
On the 'change page background', colour should be the same throughout (hex code #F5F5F5)
If you click on the design button on the same menu (looks like a fountain pen), make sure 'none' is selected so the page doesnt have a white column down the middle or something but has the same colour as the side margins (hex code #F5F5F5)